Veřená zakázka

Purchase of Emission Allowances 2021-23

Druh zadávacího řízení:
Otevřené řízení
Celá Česká republika
CPV kódy:
98390000-3 - Jiné služby

Subject of performance of this public tender is the purchase of EUA greenhouse gas emission allowances. In accordance with Annex 1 to TD - Contract for the purchase of greenhouse gas emission allowances, the Contracting Entity reserves the right to request for this purpose every month M to purchase the quantity of allowances needed to cover EUA greenhouse gas emissions on Contracting entity´s facilities, especially the compression stations Kouřim, Kralice, Veselí and Břeclav, in the immediately preceding month M-1. The annual quantity of allowances purchased by the Contracting Entity is 400,000 units at maximum. A detailed specification of the subject of performance is given in the above-mentioned annex to the TD. For the purposes of pricing the Tender Offer, the Contracting Entity states here a non-binding estimation of the average monthly quantity of allowances, which it intends to buy in the following years: 2021: 12,000 allowances per month 2022-23: 16,000 allowances per month

Upozornění: pro zobrazení zadávacích podmínek se registrujte ZDARMA nebo se přihlašte.


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