Veřená zakázka

Laser system for material processing with in-situ visualization

Druh zadávacího řízení:
Zjednodušené podlimitní řízení
Celá Česká republika
Technologie, stroje, přístroje a elektronika
Technologie, stroje, přístroje a elektronika ->  Technologie, stroje a přístroje
CPV kódy:
38636100-3 - Lasery

The subject matter of the Public Contract is the supply (manufacture and delivery) of a system that can guide the Laser Beam in a convenient way to the sample stage that can carry and precisely move the sample concerning the Laser Beam in such a way that laser processing of materials can be carried out with ease. The device, which is to be delivered to a laboratory at the HiLASE research centre integrates means for in-situ visualization of the material processing and means for controlling the state or parameters of the beam. Controlling and visualization subsystems that are used during experiments are integrated into the software so that the user has full control of them from the computer station. Detailed information on the subject matter of the Public Contract is stated in Annex No. 1 Purchase Contract and in Annex No. 2 Technical Specification hereto. Subject-matter of the Public Contract stated in the Procurement documentation is published on the contracting authority's profile: Podrobné informace o předmětu veřejné zakázky jsou uvedeny v zadávací dokumentaci, která je zveřejněna na profilu zadavatele:

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