Veřená zakázka


Druh zadávacího řízení:
Jiná zakázka
Celá Česká republika
Správa a údržba, úklidStavebnictví a související činnostiAuto-moto, doprava
Stavebnictví a související činnosti ->  Pozemní stavby
Stavebnictví a související činnosti ->  Dopravní stavby
Auto-moto, doprava ->  Náhradní díly a spotřební materiál
Auto-moto, doprava ->  Servisní služby Opravy, revize a servis
Správa a údržba, úklid ->  Správa a údržba budov
CPV kódy:
50000000-5 - Opravy a údržba

The subject matter of the tender concerns internal inspection services on pipeline DN1400 of the Contracting Entity using the latest high resolution magnetic flux leakage inspection technology, which is able to provide inspection tools detecting circumferential defects (MFL inspection), also XYZ mapping (GPS inspection), pipeline geometry (Caliper inspection) and optionally cleaning run (CL). The Caliper inspection run shall be carried out using High resolution geometry tool with target to inform the Contracting Entity about all welds, all diameter reductions, measure internal diameter per section and detect all not fully opened valves and dents. The high resolution bending strain analysis shall be performed. The dent, buckle and wrinkles report shall contain stress-based assessment (stress concentration factor, strain and remaining life analysis) reflecting the actual severity of deformation. All the provided tools shall be compliant with current pipeline systems of Company which is further described in appendices to this document or will be identified during cleaning runs. Data analysis and submission of the Preliminary and Final Report. The detection threshold shall be 1%, evaluation threshold shall be 1% and reporting threshold shall be 1%. Delivery of the latest version of client software for Pipelines. The vehicles shall be combined maximum in two runs of inspection tool.The tool shall be equipped with speed control unit if technically possible. The above mentioned inspection method can be combined in one inspection tool.

Upozornění: pro zobrazení zadávacích podmínek se registrujte ZDARMA nebo se přihlašte.


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